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Twitter peeps

I chose a variety of personalities to follow on Twitter. From Stephen King to Taylor Swift they are had unique characteristics. All of...

Spring break narratives

Over spring break I had the pleasure of re-watching a classic crime show, Monk. Amazon prime recently uploaded the show on their website...


I choose a clip from the sitcom Friends as my example of a logical fallacy. In the third episode of the second season, Ross and Phoebe...


Tweeting to companies proved harder than I expected. It surprised me that writing them was both easy and hard at the same time. I knew...

catch your eye

While watching biology lessons this past week on YouTube I came across a variety of commercials. One that caught my eye in particular was...

Flapjacks 2.0

In high school one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast was pancakes. They were delicious, portable, and easy to make. So much...


Hi! My name is Ruthann Cooper. I grew up in the San Marco area of Jacksonville, Florida. My family is a little dysfunctional, but I love...

Narrative weakness

In movies and books I love the build-up to a happy ending. A cheesy romance is right up my ally. I am a sucker for true love and the...

writers Toolbox

My writers toolbox is filled with many helpful things. In this class, the week-by-week breakdown is something I reference if I ever have...


When Bitzer says that rhetoric is situational he explains that it’s not just understanding the context of the speech, it’s location, or...

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