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  • Writer's pictureRuthann

Spring break narratives

Over spring break I had the pleasure of re-watching a classic crime show, Monk. Amazon prime recently uploaded the show on their website and I dove right in. In this show Adrian Monk is a renowned detective known for his keen observation skills. He is able to see things other detectives couldn’t see and solve the cases single handedly. The mystery is always so captivating to watch but the show is also very comical. Mr. Monks wife was killed by a car bomb years before the show and it has increased his odd behavior. He has extreme OCD and many other quirks. He consults for the San Francisco PD and they have a habit of ridiculing him but it makes the show so much better. The story is put together by starting with the murder scene, and then the cops calling in for Monks help. Sometimes he stumbles on a case without even realizing it. Throughout each episode tiny clues help him connect all the dots. Along the way characters relationships build which makes it even more endearing. The show always concludes with a “This is what happened”. The viewer then watches the murder happen again but this time with the killer in focus. If you like cheesy but addicting crime TV try this show out. Another narrative I saw over spring break was the new movie Game Night. It was just released a couple weeks ago and is the perfect go to movie if you are bored or need a good laugh. I won’t give any details but the trailer doesn’t give it justice. What starts as a fun change up from the groups normal routine takes an interesting turn that will keep you on your feet. Check it out if you get a chance!

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